
Our Story

When Zori first introduced Seth to Bulgaria's wine tradition in 2008, he was blown away. During that first visit to Eastern Europe, the American wondered why he had never seen these wines on U.S. store shelves.

Fast forward to 2016. Now married and with two young children, Seth and Zori moved to Bulgaria from the U.S. While trying to learn Bulgarian language and culture, Seth couldn't help but also dive deep into the vibrant and dynamic Bulgarian wine scene. He developed a true passion for the wines of Bulgaria and wanted to share them with wine and culture enthusiasts back in the U.S.

Seth and Zori created Telescope to do exactly that: to bridge their family's two cultures and share the wines of Bulgaria with wine lovers in the U.S. and around the world.

Telescope's U.S. introduction was in May of 2018 in select fine wine retailers in New York.